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human capital

TAG: human capital

Securing Our Schools in the Wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy — Pt I

The shooting last week at Sandy Hook Elementary School has prompted a great deal of debate across the country about gun control and access to mental health services.  The incident has also prompted increased scrutiny…
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The Follower’s Manifesto

In my six years of teaching, I had plenty of colleagues who carried on non-stop private conversations through every faculty and department meeting they attended. The very educators who brought down the wrath of God…
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Why Naysayers on Teacher Pay for Performance are Missing the Mark

It seems simple, right?  Offer bonuses to teachers that bring big gains in student achievement, and you’ll get better performance out of your teachers.  But, a pack of studies over this past year seems to…
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You should have been a doctor!

My doctor friends are always amused when education folks hold up the medical field as the exemplary profession. But medical envy is rampant across classrooms, offices, and the blogosphere, where the frustrated opine: “If only…
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