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The Hidden Joy of DEI 

What do you think of when you hear “DEI training?” Memories of mandated, awkward exercises with your co-workers? Or perhaps fear (of saying the wrong thing, hurting others, or being hurt yourself). Sadly, you’re not…
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Creating Buy-in & Facilitating Change Management

“Deep and sustainable change…requires changes in behavior among those who do not welcome the change.” – Douglas B. Reeves   Addressing stakeholder resistance to a new initiative can be daunting and provoke feelings of anxiety…
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C Change

The past few years have ushered in a new wave of organizational introspection related to antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI). It’s long overdue, and I’m glad to see it, but the prospect of achieving...
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(Re)Open Arms*: Planning for Back to School in Tulsa during COVID

*We know that hugging won’t be allowed during the pandemic, don’t worry! Thanks to generous philanthropic support, a team of UPD consultants has spent the past two months supporting the reopening planning team at Tulsa...
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Building Affordable Housing to Stabilize Schools

This past January UPD kicked off a project in partnership with the Baltimore Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) funded through a Fannie Mae Innovation Challenge Grant. (See a video of our CEO Doug...
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